Electrical Leak Location Surveys with Flexible Geomembranes
Electrical Leak Location Surveys (ELLSs) can be performed with flexible geomembranes, i.e., non-HDPE geomembranes; if an HDPE geomembrane is used, it should be white to reduce wrinkling, which is discussed below:
- In fact, it is easier to “leak locate” flexible geomembranes because they usually exhibit a greater amount of intimate contact with the subgrade, i.e., they lay flat, and exhibit smaller wrinkles that do not have to be removed as HDPE geomembranes do.
- In general, it is difficult to perform a ELLS with wrinkles greater than 3 inches high because they cannot be “walked out” and there is no intimate contact with the subgrade.
- ELLSs are independent of geomembrane polymer type, the main limitations are wrinkles and the geomembrane being a good insulator.
- However, ELLSs cannot be performed on two types of geomembranes; conductive geomembranes and EPDM geomembranes because of the large amount of carbon black.
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