We are a non-profit organization providing education, research, and support for the flexible (FML) and fabricated geomembrane industry.

FGI at GeoAmericas 2024 Conference

April 28 – May 1, 2024
Toronto, Canada

Monday, April 29, 2024
1:30-3 pm – FGI Technical Session 1
11:30 am – 1:30 pm – Diversity Lunch (includes Women in Geosynthetics)
6:15 pm – FGI Membership Meeting (open to all)

Tuesday, April 30, 2024
10-11:30 am FGI Technical Session 2

Project Spotlight

Artesian Resources Treated Wastewater Holding Lagoon


Hallaton Environmental Linings (Installer), Cooley Group (Manufacturer), and EPI (Factory Fabricator)


Wastewater lagoon bottom liner system with cushion geotextile


This project consists of lining a 3-million-gallon treated wastewater holding lagoon for the Artesian Wastewater Treatment Plant (Artesian) in Milton, Delaware. This lagoon was installed adjacent to an existing 90-million-gallon wastewater lagoon and acts as an additional buffer for contaminants. The new lagoon features a screening station and lift pump to divert the wastewater from the new, smaller lagoon into the larger, existing 90-million-gallon lagoon. Having a lined lagoon is imperative to the treatment plant because it ensures that wastewater cannot permeate in to the shallow groundwater and contaminate the surrounding area. Lining this lagoon with a geomembrane creates a secure container for the wastewater after it is treated but before it can be moved to a final holding location.

The FGI is proud to highlight our members' projects utilizing fabricated flexible geosynthetics. Check out some of the creative projects, understand why certain products were selected, and read the project descriptions as well as the important lessons learned.

View Our Latest FGI Webinar

MSE Wall Failures Lessons Learned
Presented by
Jim Collin, Ph.D., P.E., BC.GE., F. ASCE
Recorded on
January 21, 2025
To Download the Latest FGI Webinar
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FGI Welcomes WSP

The FGI is pleased to welcome its newest Associate Member, WSP. With over 73,900 professionals, WSP is one of the world’s largest leading engineering and professional services firms. WSP provides strategic advisory, engineering and design services to clients in the transportation, infrastructure, environment, building, power, energy, water, and mining sectors. WSP strives to develop creative, comprehensive and sustainable engineering solutions for a future in which society can thrive. Equipped with an intimate understanding of local intricacies, world-class talent and proactive leadership, WSP plans, designs, manages and engineers long-lasting and impactful solutions to uniquely complex problems. Their FGI liaison is Neil Nowak, P.E., Vice President Civil Engineer, who can be reached at Neil.Nowak@wsp.com. Please help us welcome WSP to the FGI!!!!

FGI Welcomes MVS Industries

The FGI is pleased to welcome its newest Manufacturer Member, MVS Industries, Inc. (MVS). MVS has its roots in the steel packaging industry and has grown to also become a vertically integrated manufacturer of innovative coated woven products and diverse multi-layer reinforced plastic substrates. MVS serves a wide variety of markets such as geomembrane, protective packaging (lumber wrap & metal wrap),converted fabrics, agricultural and construction products. Consistent product quality is achieved by using state-of-the-art plastic extrusion, weaving, coating, laminating, printing techniques and a strong commitment to partnership with our customers, employees and suppliers. MVS is headquartered in Hyderabad, India with a growing presence in North America. The FGI liaison is Clive Mills, Vice President of Business Development, who can be reached at clive@mvsindustries.org.  Please help us welcome MVS Industries to the FGI!!!!

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FGI Welcomes WSP

The FGI is pleased to welcome its newest Associate Member, WSP. With over 73,900 professionals, WSP is one of the world’s largest leading engineering and professional services firms. WSP provides strategic advisory, engineering and design services to clients in the transportation, infrastructure, environment, building, power, energy, water, and mining sectors. WSP strives to develop creative, comprehensive and sustainable engineering solutions for a future in which society can thrive. Equipped with an intimate understanding of local intricacies, world-class talent and proactive leadership, WSP plans, designs, manages and engineers long-lasting and impactful solutions to uniquely complex problems. Their FGI liaison is Neil Nowak, P.E., Vice President Civil Engineer, who can be reached at Neil.Nowak@wsp.com. Please help us welcome WSP to the FGI!!!!

FGI Welcomes MVS Industries

The FGI is pleased to welcome its newest Manufacturer Member, MVS Industries, Inc. (MVS). MVS has its roots in the steel packaging industry and has grown to also become a vertically integrated manufacturer of innovative coated woven products and diverse multi-layer reinforced plastic substrates. MVS serves a wide variety of markets such as geomembrane, protective packaging (lumber wrap & metal wrap),converted fabrics, agricultural and construction products. Consistent product quality is achieved by using state-of-the-art plastic extrusion, weaving, coating, laminating, printing techniques and a strong commitment to partnership with our customers, employees and suppliers. MVS is headquartered in Hyderabad, India with a growing presence in North America. The FGI liaison is Clive Mills, Vice President of Business Development, who can be reached at clive@mvsindustries.org.  Please help us welcome MVS Industries to the FGI!!!!

FGI Welcomes Stantec

The FGI is pleased to welcome its newest Associate Member, Stantec. Stantec is a global leader in sustainable engineering, architecture, and environmental consulting. Stantec draws from over 20 technical specialties to form teams that are uniquely suited for any project, whether it’s major industrial infrastructure improvements to ongoing energy transition solutions. Stantec consists of designers, engineers, scientists, project managers, and strategic advisors who innovate at the intersection of community, creativity, and client relationships to advance communities everywhere to redefine what’s possible. Their FGI liaisons are Kula Kulasingam, Ph.D., P.E., Principal Geotechnical Engineer, kula.kulasingam@stantec.com and Don Fuller, III, P.E, Vice President and CCR Program Manager, don.fuller@stantec.com. Please help us welcome Stantec to the FGI!!!!

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Pond Leakage Calculator

Use our Excel calculator to learn what measurements are needed to properly plan for your pond liner project.



Frequently asked questions from members, customers and industry professionals answered.


Specifications & Guides

FGI, ASTM and IAGI material specifications in one place for your reference and convenience


Geomembrane Guide

A comprehensive guide to industry and our member material offerings for fabricated geomembranes.
