FGI Welcomes GeoSolutions

The Fabricated Geomembrane Institute (FGI) is pleased to welcome its newest fabricator, GeoSolutions. GeoSolutions was founded in 1999 on the premise that the market would respond favorably to a solution-centric, customer-driven offering versus a simple material supply house. GeoSolutions is focused on the client’s needs to solve site construction problems with the most recent technologies and products that will save time and money and improve performance. GeoSolutions provides our customers with unmatched geotechnical products and engineering solutions that allow them to successfully complete projects of any size and level of complexity. Their solutions offer value-added answers to traditional problems associated with sitework, stormwater management, erosion & sediment control, and grade separation/earth retention. The company headquarters is in Austin, Texas and their FGI liaison is Tonya Switalski, General Manager of Fabrication, who can be reached at tonya.switalski@geosolutionsinc.com or www.geosolutionsinc.com. Please help us welcome GeoSolutions to the FGI!!!!

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